Performance Measurement

perfSONAR is newly offered as a service for administrators.

perfSONAR is newly offered as a service for administrators.


Speed Test

perfSONAR is standard software for measuring performance in the world of academic networks.

perfSONAR is offered at the following sites.
It is available as a regular measurement point for perfSONAR servers of individual SINET member institutions.

* The server may be suspended irregularly for maintenance purposes.


* The service is offered at two different interfaces, 100GbE and 1GbE. The suffix of “-1g” in the server name suggests that it is a 1GbE server.
* IPv4/IPv6 protocols are supported.


* The service is offered at the 100GbE interface.
* IPv4/IPv6 protocols are supported.

* No application is required for use.
* This service is designed for network administrators.
* No inquiries on how to use perfSONAR are accepted. Refer to documents on perfSONAR.

Looking Glass

Looking Glass is in service at the following sites.

This service offers IPv4 and IPv6 BGP routing information on SINET6 routers.

* No application is required for use.
* The server may be suspended irregularly for maintenance purposes.