Legend: Domestic International
Jan. 1987 | Packet Switching (X.25) Network Service |
Jan. 1989 | Connection with US(National Science Foundation) |
Feb. 1990 | Connection with UK(British Library) |
Apr. 1990 | International E-Mail Service(CSNET/BITNET) |
Oct. 1990 | Access Point Service |
Feb. 1991 | Connection with a research network in the United Kingdom |
Mar. 1991 | Construction of Packet Switching Network Service finished |
Apr. 1992 | SINET: Internet backbone network service |
Mar. 1993 | Dedicated Line to US (512k) |
Sep. 1994 | ATM switched network service |
Dec. 1994 | Construction of SINET (Internet backbone network service) finished |
Mar. 1995 | New ATM switching systems introduced |
Sep. 1995 | Dedicated line to Thailand (2M) |
Oct. 1996 | Wide-area ATM switched network service |
Nov. 1996 | Dedicated Line to UK (2M) |
Sep. 1998 | Commerce interconnection open |
Oct. 1999 | N-1 network operation closed |
Jan. 2002 | Super-SINET operation started |
Mar. 2002 | Packet Switching Network Service closed |
Sep. 2002 | IPv6 Service started |
Sep. 2002 | ATM Switched Network Service closed |
Jan. 2003 | Dedicated Line to UK (150M) close |
Nov. 2005 | Wide-area LAN connection service started / Connection service via B FLET’S service started |
Jan. 2006 | Dedicated lines to Singapore (622M) and to Hong Kong (622M) |
Mar. 2006 | Dedicated line to Thailand (44M) closed |
Apr. 2007 | SINET3 operation started |
Apr. 2007 | Dedicated Line to US speed upgrade (20G) |
Dedicated Line to Asia speed upgrade (2.4G) | |
Apr. 2011 | SINET4 operation started |
Apr. 2013 | Dedicated line to Asia speed upgrade (10G) |
Mar. 2016 | Dedicated line to US speed upgrade (100G) |
Dedicated line to Europe (20G) | |
Dedicated line to Asia (10G) | |
Apr. 2016 | SINET5 operation started |
Dec. 2018 | WADCI Demonstration Testing started |
Feb. 2019 | Dedicated Line to Europe speed upgrade(100G) |
Mar. 2019 | Dedicated line to Europe speed upgrade (100G) |
Dedicated line to Asia speed upgrade (100G) | |
Dedicated line from the U.S. West Coast to East Coast (100G) | |
Dedicated line from the U.S. East Coast to Europe (100G) | |
World’s first global 100 Gbps academic communication network | |
Nov. 2019 | Success in file transfer at 416 Gbps between Japan and the United States |
Dec. 2019 | 400 Gbps lines between Tokyo and Osaka put into practical use |
Apr. 2022 | SINET6 operation started |
Apr. 2024 | Dedicated line to Europe speed upgrade (400G) |