- Inquiries about subscribing, connecting, and other services
- Inquiries / reports about communication faults
- Inquiries / consultation requests about network design, user organization support
Inquiries about subscribing, connecting, and other services
SINET Team, Academic Infrastructure Division
- e-mail: apply[@]sinet.ad.jp
- Hours: 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 weekdays (closed 12:00-13:00 for lunch break)
Team members at the office are reduced under the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please contact us by e-mail.
* Applications and inquiries sent on weekends, on national holidays or during the year-end and New-Year period will be handled on the next working day or later. Your understanding is appreciated.
- Inquiries about subscribing a/o connecting to SINET
- Inquiries about application procedures for SINET services
- Disclosure of information for connecting to a SINET node
- Response to inquiries about applications for entry to nodes
- Registration of domain names and IP addresses to WHOIS and registration to the distributed secondary DNS service
Inquiries / reports about communication faults
SINET Operation Center
- e-mail: ipnoc[@]sinet.ad.jp
- Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year including weekends, national holidays and nightly hours
- Accepts SINET fault reporting
- Investigates a/o dealing with SINET faults
- Handles SINET equipments configuration for subscribers’ SINET connections
- Accepts starting/ending calls on SINET node rack access
- Accepts emergency SINET node rack access requests
Inquiries / consultation requests about network design, user organization support
Academic Infrastructure Division, SINET Promotion Office
- e-mail: support[@]sinet.ad.jp
- Hours: 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00 weekdays (closed 12:00-13:00 for lunch break)
NII staff are working shorter hours under the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please contact us by e-mail.
* Applications and inquiries sent on weekends, on national holidays or during the year-end and New-Year period will be handled on the next working day or later. Your understanding is appreciated.
- User consultation/response
- Technology promotion and educational campaign (lectures and technological exchanges)
- Troubleshooting support of performance-related problems
- Interviews/surveys on user requests