FY2018 2nd Round Applications for Demonstration Testing Using the SINET Wide Area Data Collection Infrastructure

Aimed at evaluating performance of the Wide Area Data Collection Infrastructure using mobile networks (2nd Round)!

Accepted Applications and Themes

NII is seeking a wide range of research proposals across various fields to utilize the Wide Area Data Collection Infrastructure in locations that have not been able to connect to SINET previously to collect research data, perform joint research with remote locations, conduct IoT-related research and so on. While examples of utilization are given in the application guidelines, do not consider those as limitation, and NII hopes to receive proposals for a wide range of uses.

Also note that NII plans to publish information on the themes and progress of demonstration testing as case studies of utilization on the SINET website and elsewhere to the extent that does not impede the demonstration testing itself.


(1) Researchers, etc. belonging to SINET member institutions
(2) Researchers, etc. belonging to an institutions eligible to join SINET

Demonstration Testing Period

Early December, 2018 (Planned) to March 31, 2020

Deadline for Proposal Submission

Friday, March 29, 2019
* Selection will take place continually. Applicants will be notified of results continually following a selection period of around two weeks from receipt of their application.