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- List of Use Case Articles
List of Use Case Articles
- (2025.02) Data Sharing and Collaboration Through SINET6 Network Environment for Smart Agriculture Implementation()
- (2025.02) The Role of SINET6 in the Belle II Experiment()
- (2024.05) Data Collection Using Mobile SINET for Emergency Risk Assessments of Buildings After Earthquakes()
- (2024.02) Collecting Weather Information in the “Zekkei Project” Data-Driven Tourism Project Using SINET6()
- (2021.06) The Role of SINET in the Management and Operation of the Supercomputer Fugaku and the HPCI Shared Storage System(RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
- (2020.11) Uncompressed 8K Ultra-HD Video Transmission Experiment ―8K Ultra-HD Video Processing System ―(Kanagawa Institute of Technology)
- (2013.11) A Computer Network Enabling an Increasing Volume of Data(National Institute of Genetics)
- (2013.11) The ALMA Project and SINET(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
- (2013.11) SINET Speeds Up Japan-Europe Collaboration in International Research on Nuclear Fusion(National Institute for Fusion Science / Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- (2013.11) Leading an upgrade of the intra-university infrastructure and regional computerization through the Morioka Data Center(Iwate University)
- (2013.10) An IT-BCP Mission-Critical System for Quick Restoration of University Operations(Utsunomiya University / Yokohama National University)
- (2012.06) Construction of a Remote Backup System Based on SINET L2VPN(Shizuoka University)
- (2012.06) SINET Used to Connect X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility, SACLA, with K Computer(RIKEN / Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI) )
- (2012.06) Kyo2 Cloud Center Operation(Kyoto University of Education )
- (2010.10) Promoting International Telemedicine Using Academic Networks(Kyushu University)
- (2010.10) Global Load Balancing Experiments Using the SINET3 Full Route Provision Service(Kyushu University / Kyushu Sangyo University)
- (2010.10) Studying the t-Room room-sharing communication system(Doshisha University)
- (2010.05) The Renkei Project: A study of resource coordination techniques for the formation of research communities(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- (2010.04) LEPS experiments to study the properties of hadrons using a laser-electron-photon beamline(Osaka University's Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP))
- (2010.04) Connecting the Tsukuba campus and Tokyo campus with a layer 2 VPN(The University of Tsukuba)
- (2010.03) Construction and operation of a web authentication system for a campus network (HINET2007)(Hiroshima University)
- (2010.03) Connecting the Earth Simulator supercomputer to SINET(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC))
- (2010.03) Using SINET to provide computing resources and to facilitate a smooth campus relocation(The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
- (2010.03) The VERA Project: Mapping our galaxy in 3D-kinematics(Kagoshima University)
- (2009.09) Use of SINET3 L1 On-demand Service to Evaluate iSCSI-APT Performance(Osaka University)
- (2009.07) International Sharing of Extra-Large Volumes of Data from VLBI Observations(Geospatial Information Authority of Japan)
- (2009.07) Developing the Human Resources to Build a Better Shikoku Based on the Collective Results of the ”Knowledge of Shikoku” Project(Kagawa University)
- (2009.07) Remote Control System with Haptic Feedback(Toyohashi University of Technology)
- (2008.12) Optically Connected VLBI Observation Using SINET3 L1 On-demand Service(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
- (2008.12) Use of HD Interactive Remote Lectures and IPv6 for Training in the Healthcare Information Field(Yokohama National University Information Technology Service Center)
- (2008.12) Building and Operation of the Japan Data Exchange Network (JDXnet) for Earthquake Observation Data(Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)
- (2008.11) Nuclear Fusion Research for a Clean Future Energy(National Institute for Fusion Science)
- (2008.11) The ”Belle Experiment”: A Major Contribution to Confirmation of the Theory of Kobayashi and Maskawa, Nobel Laureates in Physics(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
- (2008.10) Interactive Remote Learning in Special Support Education(Ehime University)
- (2008.09) Interactive Remote Learning System Linking the National Universities of Three Hokuriku Prefectures(Kanazawa University)
- (2008.07) Remote Lecture System Linking 18 UGAS Universities across Japan(The Information Media Center (IMC) of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- (2008.07) Studying the Sun with the Solar Observation Satellite Hinode(Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
- (2008.07) Lattice QCD Simulation in Research on Hadron Physics and the Standard Model of Elementary Particles(Center for Computational Sciences (CCS), The University of Tsukuba)
- (2008.06) Receipt, Processing, Archiving, and Dissemination of Satellite Data(Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University)
- (2008.06) Neutrino Research(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, The University of Tokyo)