
  1. List of Pages
  2. List of Use Case Articles

List of Pages

List of Use Case Articles

  1. (2025.02) Data Sharing and Collaboration Through SINET6 Network Environment for Smart Agriculture Implementation()
  2. (2025.02) The Role of SINET6 in the Belle II Experiment()
  3. (2024.05) Data Collection Using Mobile SINET for Emergency Risk Assessments of Buildings After Earthquakes()
  4. (2024.02) Collecting Weather Information in the “Zekkei Project” Data-Driven Tourism Project Using SINET6()
  5. (2021.06) The Role of SINET in the Management and Operation of the Supercomputer Fugaku and the HPCI Shared Storage System(RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
  6. (2020.11) Uncompressed 8K Ultra-HD Video Transmission Experiment ―8K Ultra-HD Video Processing System ―(Kanagawa Institute of Technology)
  7. (2013.11) A Computer Network Enabling an Increasing Volume of Data(National Institute of Genetics)
  8. (2013.11) The ALMA Project and SINET(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
  9. (2013.11) SINET Speeds Up Japan-Europe Collaboration in International Research on Nuclear Fusion(National Institute for Fusion Science / Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
  10. (2013.11) Leading an upgrade of the intra-university infrastructure and regional computerization through the Morioka Data Center(Iwate University)
  11. (2013.10) An IT-BCP Mission-Critical System for Quick Restoration of University Operations(Utsunomiya University / Yokohama National University)
  12. (2012.06) Construction of a Remote Backup System Based on SINET L2VPN(Shizuoka University)
  13. (2012.06) SINET Used to Connect X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility, SACLA, with K Computer(RIKEN / Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI) )
  14. (2012.06) Kyo2 Cloud Center Operation(Kyoto University of Education )
  15. (2010.10) Promoting International Telemedicine Using Academic Networks(Kyushu University)
  16. (2010.10) Global Load Balancing Experiments Using the SINET3 Full Route Provision Service(Kyushu University / Kyushu Sangyo University)
  17. (2010.10) Studying the t-Room room-sharing communication system(Doshisha University)
  18. (2010.05) The Renkei Project: A study of resource coordination techniques for the formation of research communities(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  19. (2010.04) LEPS experiments to study the properties of hadrons using a laser-electron-photon beamline(Osaka University's Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP))
  20. (2010.04) Connecting the Tsukuba campus and Tokyo campus with a layer 2 VPN(The University of Tsukuba)
  21. (2010.03) Construction and operation of a web authentication system for a campus network (HINET2007)(Hiroshima University)
  22. (2010.03) Connecting the Earth Simulator supercomputer to SINET(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC))
  23. (2010.03) Using SINET to provide computing resources and to facilitate a smooth campus relocation(The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
  24. (2010.03) The VERA Project: Mapping our galaxy in 3D-kinematics(Kagoshima University)
  25. (2009.09) Use of SINET3 L1 On-demand Service to Evaluate iSCSI-APT Performance(Osaka University)
  26. (2009.07) International Sharing of Extra-Large Volumes of Data from VLBI Observations(Geospatial Information Authority of Japan)
  27. (2009.07) Developing the Human Resources to Build a Better Shikoku Based on the Collective Results of the ”Knowledge of Shikoku” Project(Kagawa University)
  28. (2009.07) Remote Control System with Haptic Feedback(Toyohashi University of Technology)
  29. (2008.12) Optically Connected VLBI Observation Using SINET3 L1 On-demand Service(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
  30. (2008.12) Use of HD Interactive Remote Lectures and IPv6 for Training in the Healthcare Information Field(Yokohama National University Information Technology Service Center)
  31. (2008.12) Building and Operation of the Japan Data Exchange Network (JDXnet) for Earthquake Observation Data(Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)
  32. (2008.11) Nuclear Fusion Research for a Clean Future Energy(National Institute for Fusion Science)
  33. (2008.11) The ”Belle Experiment”: A Major Contribution to Confirmation of the Theory of Kobayashi and Maskawa, Nobel Laureates in Physics(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
  34. (2008.10) Interactive Remote Learning in Special Support Education(Ehime University)
  35. (2008.09) Interactive Remote Learning System Linking the National Universities of Three Hokuriku Prefectures(Kanazawa University)
  36. (2008.07) Remote Lecture System Linking 18 UGAS Universities across Japan(The Information Media Center (IMC) of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
  37. (2008.07) Studying the Sun with the Solar Observation Satellite Hinode(Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
  38. (2008.07) Lattice QCD Simulation in Research on Hadron Physics and the Standard Model of Elementary Particles(Center for Computational Sciences (CCS), The University of Tsukuba)
  39. (2008.06) Receipt, Processing, Archiving, and Dissemination of Satellite Data(Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University)
  40. (2008.06) Neutrino Research(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, The University of Tokyo)